Paul Harris Fellowships

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Paul Harris Fellowship


Paul Harris was the founder of Rotary and the "Paul Harris Fellowship" was established in part to perpetuate the memory of his name. Donors of US$1,000 or more to the Annual Programs Fund, PolioPlus, or the Humanitarian Grants Program, or people who have that amount contributed in their name, can be recognized as Paul Harris Fellows. Each new Paul Harris Fellow receives a commemorative certificate and a pin.

  • Points for donations (1 point for each $1) may be made for self or for others.
  • Club is informed by RI of recipients in late November and the certificates and pins are sent to the President.
  • Normally presented at the Annual Charter Night.

Recipients Of Paul Harris Fellowships:

Dave Muise

Phil Thompson

Kevin Armstrong

Brian Beckett

Cheryl Card

Ian Doyle

D.A. Landry

Lee Anne MacLeod-Archer

Ray MacNeil

Evelyn Schaller

Terry Miller

Peter Weaver

Brian Slaney

Lorne Baldin

Michael Muise

John Malcolm

Charlie Cuff